Guidelines for Donating

Please only donate during Closet hours or by appointment. Please do not leave donations outside the Closet if a volunteer is not present!

The Village Closet accepts:

-Gently used baby, children’s, teen, and pregnancy clothes (no stained or ripped items, please!)

-Baby/child/teen shoes

-Small & medium-sized Baby and Parenting Items such as Boppy Pillows, baby-wearing wraps/slings, baby-proofing accessories, baby blankets, baby bath accessories, etc.

-Toys in good working condition and not missing any parts or pieces

-Children’s and parenting books

-Cloth diapers that have been well cleaned and sanitized

-Disposable diapers in their packages

-Pregnancy & postnatal items, such as belly support belts, nursing bras, etc.

The Village Closet CAN’T accept:

-Furniture/ strollers/ exersaucers (sorry- we do not have space!)

-Carseats or Carseat accessories

-Any recalled or expired products

-Used pacifiers or nipples

-Clothing that is stained, ripped, or otherwise soiled (including clothing with worn-out/non-functioning elastic)

-Adult clothing (other than pregnancy & nursing clothing)